White Trash Zombie #6: White Trash Zombie Unchained

Change. Ain’t nothing stays the same. Unchained. Yeah, you hit the ground running. Let’s unleash White Trash Zombie Unchained, by Diana Rowland.


Angel Crawford has finally pulled herself together (literally!) after her disastrous dismemberment on Mardi Gras. She’s putting the pieces of her life back in order and is ready to tackle whatever the future holds.

Too bad the future is a nasty bitch. There’s a new kind of zombie in town: mindless shamblers, infectious and ravenous.

With the threat of a full-blown shambler pandemic looming, and a loved one stricken, Angel and the “real” zombies scramble to find a cure. Yet when Angel uncovers the true reason the plague is spreading so quickly, she adds “no-holds-barred revenge” to her to-do list.

Angel is busting her ass dealing with shambling hordes, zombie gators, government jerks, and way too many mosquitos, but this white trash chick ain’t giving up.

Good thing, since the fate of the world is resting on her undead shoulders.

Source: Goodreads


Louisiana’s zombie problem just keeps getting worse. Now there are zombie alligators crawling out of the bayou, infecting those they bite with a mutant strain of the zombie parasite that causes rapid death followed by reanimation as a mindless shambler. With the FBI and CDC investigating, and Saberton once again looking for a way to find a military use for this new strain, it’s up to Angel to save the day and preserve the Tribe’s secrecy.

I haven’t heard any official news on whether this is intended to be the last book in the series, but it certainly feels like one: just about every ongoing plotline gets brought to a satisfying conclusion. Remaining villains Kristi Charish and Nicole Saber get their rightful comeuppance; Kyle’s storyline comes to a close; the remaining issues with Pietro becoming Pierce are settled; Kang finally gets back on his feet; the FBI investigation into Louisiana zombies is resolved; and Angel’s having some success in the romance department. All in all, not a bad ending.

White Trash Zombie was an often weird and sometimes disgusting series, but the well-developed characters kept me coming back for more. Overall, I found it to be a decently entertaining series, worth a read for anyone interested in this type of thing.

Final Rating: 3/5

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